One of the things that I enjoy on the farm is the ability to stop and pick fruit or berries while I am taking a break. This time if year, you might think there we don’t have a lot of berries and growing plants. But I stopped for a few minutes on Friday and snacked from berries I was able to pick right off the vines.
Goji Berries
The goji berries have really produced this year. If you want goji berries just let me know and we’ll set up a time for you to come pick them.

The last round of figs is about to hit. I’m not sure if they will ripen before the first frost, but it was nice enjoying the fruit off the vine as I took a break

The comfrey plants are enjoying a warm october and still growing. Comfrey isn’t edible off the vine, but it is still nice to see it growing.

The raspberry plants are still growing. Hopefully next year we will get to enjoy berries from them.